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raised beds

It’s getting to be that time….

By  •  Garden

It’s that time when the garden threatens to run away from you. Miss a cucumber or zucchini in the evening and find a monster in the morning!

Black Tomatoes and other Garden updates

By  •  Garden

A quick vegetable garden update from late May.

Saturday in the Garden

I find the stillness of the garden in early morning rejuvenating. With a cup of coffee in one hand, the camera in the other, I can take a look-see, pausing …
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Home Again & Mid June Garden Update

By  •  Garden

How good it is to be home again!

The Student is 1 (3 down!) exam away from her CPA so we took a little road trip to Alabama and Tennessee to …
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Two weeks, high heat and some rain

By  •  Garden

The radishes are the first of the year and were picked at the end of the tour.

It’s been 14 days since I last posted a garden status, since that …
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A Quick Project and Vegetable Garden Status

By  •  Garden

The week of warm weather has certainly moved things along but without rain I’m depending too much on municipal water to keep things moist.

Last year I used and reviewed …
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Filling the Raised Box Garden beds
13 years ago

Filling the Raised Box Garden beds

We filled the beds with equal parts (by volume) of compost (I used composted horse manure, and purchased mushroom and cow manure compost. The book (Square Foot Gardening) suggests 5 …
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2010 Vegetable Garden Recap Video

By  •  Garden, Video

Here’s a little video I put together recapping the 2010 Vegetable Garden. Enjoy!

Until Next Time, Keep Digging & Eat Well!

The Gastronomic Gardener

Sunday Morning Bounty

I’ve not been out to the vegetable plot in a bit so  I needed to go see what was happening, harvest anything ripe, thin the radishes and beets that I’ve …
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