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Salt Preserved Meyer lemons
9 years ago

Salt Preserved Meyer lemons

It’s citrus season and more than the usual suspects are showing up in the market. I try to eat local as much as I can but without a large garden …
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2015 growing season recap and plans for 2016
9 years ago

2015 growing season recap and plans for 2016

By  •  Garden

Happy New Year!

The seed catalogs are starting to come in, so it is a good time to reflect back on 2015, and look forward to 2016.

2015 was a …
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Eggplant Tomato Relish
9 years ago

Eggplant Tomato Relish

I have a lot of eggplant, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and basil from the garden. I decide to make this relish again, the original post was from five years ago.

This …
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End of June Update
9 years ago

End of June Update

By  •  Garden

Take a look at the gastronomic Gardeners suburban garden as it is in June 2015

Thanksgiving, and a Tale of Three Gardens (Why now is the right time to get started)
10 years ago

Thanksgiving, and a Tale of Three Gardens (Why now is the right time to get started)

By  •  Garden

Thanksgiving, a high-tech garden, a high altitude garden, humble beginnings and how to get started.

Yet another view on composting – or teaching an old dog new tricks
11 years ago

Yet another view on composting – or teaching an old dog new tricks

By  •  Garden, Video

Maybe you can teach an old dog new tricks. Here’s a TEDx video that turns a lot of what I believe about composting upside down.

Can you can? Sure you can!
11 years ago

Can you can? Sure you can!

Need some resources to get started canning? Check this out….

Mid August 2013 update (video)

By  •  Garden, Video

It’s mid August – Here’s what’s happening in my garden – how is your garden growing?

2013 Tomato Varieties
11 years ago

2013 Tomato Varieties

By  •  Garden

From sauce to salad to slicing to specialty, here are the tomatoes the Gastronomic Gardener is growing this year
