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Winter Vegetable Bisque
10 years ago

Winter Vegetable Bisque

An elegant creamy soup. made from the most common staples of the winter cold cellar.

Spaghetti Squash “Ramen” Soup
12 years ago

Spaghetti Squash “Ramen” Soup

Last week we used butternut squash in those savory hand pies. This week a trip to the cellar yielded a spaghetti squash, it’s scarred golden skin concealing noodle-like strands that …
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Cream of Radish Top Soup
12 years ago

Cream of Radish Top Soup

By  •  Recipes, Soup

If you are following along you’re aware of my penchant for greens, especially those that might normally find their way into the compost pile. And if they did, that would …
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Pumpkin & Black Bean Soup
13 years ago

Pumpkin & Black Bean Soup

As we approach the holidays, it’s easy to get caught up in the food frenzy of sweets and big meals. The tables in the departments at work are groaning under …
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White Bean Soup with Chard, Kale and Radish Greens
13 years ago

White Bean Soup with Chard, Kale and Radish Greens

The garden is in its last phase. I’m still harvesting chard, kale and radish greens. With it as gloomy, windy and cool as it is today, I think a  soup …
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13 years ago


I’ve made this before but my recent harvests rather demand it. One keen eyed observer even predicted it! But with tomatoes, peppers, onions, eggplant, crooked neck squash, basil and parsley …
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Summer Squash Soup
13 years ago

Summer Squash Soup


I am one of the fortunate ones. I only planted one each of Crooked Neck Squash and Zucchini. I have only slightly more than I can use and haven’t …
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Posole Rojo
14 years ago

Posole Rojo

By  •  Recipes, Soup

It’s cold and rainy. Probably not many cold days left, so the hearty soup / stew season is moving behind us. Perhaps one last hurrah before we go with somewhat lighter fare? …
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Vegetarian Chili with Bulgar
14 years ago

Vegetarian Chili with Bulgar

For those of you following along, you know I like bulgar. This vegetarian chili is a perfect use of it as a filler and textural component.  The bulgar provides fiber …
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