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Fish & Seafood

White fish with Warm Tomato Vinaigrette
12 years ago

White fish with Warm Tomato Vinaigrette

Remember those pickled cherry tomatoes from what seems way back when?  I said I planned on using them in a warm tomato vinaigrette so here we are.

Today we have a …
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Spicey Stir Fried Broccoli and Fish
12 years ago

Spicey Stir Fried Broccoli and Fish

I picked two huge heads of broccoli this morning and wanted to use some up the same day it was picked.  As a major heat wave is coming, I think some …
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Fancy Salmon Croquettes or Using “Thinnings” as Garnish!
12 years ago

Fancy Salmon Croquettes or Using “Thinnings” as Garnish!

Salmon Croquettes are really just a fancy way of saying salmon cakes. These are a delicious and simple to make!

Chive Flower and Shrimp Stir Fry
12 years ago

Chive Flower and Shrimp Stir Fry

Yesterday I showed you picture of the chives flowering. As I don’t want them to go to seed, I cut them down tonight.

Chive flowers may be used in salads, …
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Insalata di Frutti di Mare for the New Year
13 years ago

Insalata di Frutti di Mare for the New Year

The best New Year’s Eve celebrations in recent memory have been spent at home. The all-inclusive dinner, drinks, dancing haven’t come close to the joy of an at home meal, a …
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Smoked Salmon at Home
13 years ago

Smoked Salmon at Home

More than 10 years ago, shortly after my divorce, my then very small daughters had spent Christmas day and dinner with their mother and her family.  I was putting together …
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Fancy Shrimp and Grits
13 years ago

Fancy Shrimp and Grits

I had some left over polenta from the other day that I had poured into a pan. One thing I like about polenta is how it sets up, making a wonderful …
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Walnut Walleye
13 years ago

Walnut Walleye

My apologies, I’ve been busy over at the garden so it’s been a while since I’ve posted here. There are still a few walleye fillets left from last summer. You …
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Grilled Baby Octopus
14 years ago

Grilled Baby Octopus

After a shopping spree to Super H Mart – (which it turns out has been there for years, I’ve just been uninformed) I have some frozen baby octopus that I …
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