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midwest garden

2013 Tomato Varieties
11 years ago

2013 Tomato Varieties

By  •  Garden

From sauce to salad to slicing to specialty, here are the tomatoes the Gastronomic Gardener is growing this year

Promises, Promises

On the cusp of veggie overload. What a wonderful “problem” to have!

Black Tomatoes and other Garden updates

By  •  Garden

A quick vegetable garden update from late May.

Late Summer Garden

By  •  Garden

It’s been too long since I’ve posted, and for that I apologize. Sometimes life gets in the way  of the all important blog posting. Perspective is important I think.  Anyway, …
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2012 Late July Garden Status

Since I started blogging, I’ve not kept up with the garden journal so this post mainly serves as a record. This summer has been unusually hot and dry. We are …
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After the Storm

By  •  Garden

It’s been a week since the neighborhood was savaged by a ferocious storm. We lost two trees which will be missed. The big limbs came down in the garden, over …
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Saturday in the Garden

I find the stillness of the garden in early morning rejuvenating. With a cup of coffee in one hand, the camera in the other, I can take a look-see, pausing …
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Home Again & Mid June Garden Update

By  •  Garden

How good it is to be home again!

The Student is 1 (3 down!) exam away from her CPA so we took a little road trip to Alabama and Tennessee to …
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Fresh Pickled Radishes

The radishes are coming in faster than I will eat them and there is a big batch behind these so I’ll have plenty. You know I love pickles so I …
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