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It’s getting to be that time….

By  •  Garden

It’s that time when the garden threatens to run away from you. Miss a cucumber or zucchini in the evening and find a monster in the morning!

Early Progress and a Freeze Warning

By  •  Garden

It’s early, but the garden is starting to grow. Take a look at some early spring progress.

2012 Growing Season Recap

By  •  Garden

Vegetable gardening is full of variables. Temperature, moisture, frost free days, insect /pests, maintenance discipline and luck all play roles. I’m recapping 2012 here mainly as a record to myself. …
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Hot Chilli Harvest

So this is what 3 lbs of chillies look like!

I’ve got some preserving to do!

Until next time, Eat Well & Keep Digging (and keep some milk on hand!)

Late Summer Garden

By  •  Garden

It’s been too long since I’ve posted, and for that I apologize. Sometimes life gets in the way  of the all important blog posting. Perspective is important I think.  Anyway, …
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Harvest Monday – 8/13/2012

Quick post today as I am running late. Only two pickings last week. It was pretty good interms of variety and quantity. The Romas probably have another 10-20lbs left but …
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Jewels of the Garden

By  •  Garden

Inspired by the wonderful pictures of produce over at Mark’s Veg Plot I decided to take some glamor shots from the harvest last evening.

Crooked neck squash






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Potted Seedlings

By  •  Garden

The last few years, before I got more interested in vegetable gardening, I would start most of my vegetables by purchasing seedlings. There is nothing wrong with that, but it transfers some …
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Vegetable garden options and the beginnings of a new Square Foot Garden

By  •  Garden

As I’ve mentioned over on Facebook, my plan this year is to try several different methods for food production. here is what I’m thinking

1) I’ve got the big veggie plot …
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