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Of flowers and vegetables.

By  •  Garden

Honestly, I sometimes first go out with the camera to postpone the mowing and weeding. Today was such an occasion. You’ve seen the roses, but what is happening elsewhere?  Click …
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Wordless Wednesday – Iris in bloom and other Beauties

By  •  Garden

Until next time, Keep Digging & Eat Well!

The Gastronomic Gardener

Happy Blossoms

By  •  Garden

All this talk about vegetables and food production is grand, but my first love in gardening is the perennials. I poked around a little bit the other day, and snapped …
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Warmth + Rain = Green Explosion!

By  •  Garden

Is everybody settled after the Blogger outage? I hope so. I was getting worried there for a bit.

It was unseasonably warm this week and we had a good bit …
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Crocuses are popping

By  •  Garden

There is no turning back, oh, it might yet snow, but spring shall not be denied!

It’s amazing what we see when we look closer.  This little clump grows each …
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Peony bed clean out and signs of life.

By  •  Garden

I love the peonies, but before they can bloom in all their glory, the beds needs to be cleaned out.

While it’s about 40F, a grey and windy day, I’m still …
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Shade structure construction

By  •  Garden, DIY

When I started the yard had very little shade. It was great for most flowers, yet I wanted a shady area to grow some shade plants, hostas and ferns, perhaps …
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Lilies for low maintenance color and beauty

By  •  Garden

When I was in the initial stages of planning the perennial garden in 2002, one goal was to have the garden as low maintenance as possible. A choice I made  to that end …
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Releasing Roses from Bondage

By  •  Garden

About seven – eight years ago, I planted the shrub roses in the back. They were small and tender, but not much to look at. In 2003 they were still quite …
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