Honestly, I sometimes first go out with the camera to postpone the mowing and weeding. Today was such an occasion. You’ve seen the roses, but what is happening elsewhere?  Click on pictures for a larger view.

Along the west garden path, the lupine volunteer is in bloom.












And the drifts of beardtongue are blooming.










The foxglove re-seeded. I love the exotic look of them. The new ones are not as muscular as the original plant but they are lovely. Keep in mind they are toxic if you have pets or small children who are still jamming everything into their mouths.









The lilies are massive! Some are taller than I am and they are loaded with buds. It looks like it will be a spectacular display this year, and I know I’ll have to tie them up. The second picture is for comparison. That stalk is thick!










Let’s pop over to the Squarefoot garden and see what is happening.

The squashes are starting to fruit.

I’ve pulled two more fat radishes and the French breakfast radishes are about ready for harvest. I need to bake some bread to go with them.  








I am excited about the prospects of Brussels sprouts this fall. So far the plants look vigorous. Here is one in a cage.










The turnips are very healthy, and and the roots are starting to thicken.










Peppers are full of buds. I have about 15 pepper planst so hopefully we’ll be  pickling some to put up for the winter.









The eggplant is blooming. They are such pretty plants, the fruit is an extra!










And finally, the Thai basil is blooming, so it is time to pinch it back. But before I do, here it is.









Now I can’t put off the chores any longer. I have to get busy.

Until next time, Keep Digging & Eat Well!