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2012 Growing Season Recap

By  •  Garden

Vegetable gardening is full of variables. Temperature, moisture, frost free days, insect /pests, maintenance discipline and luck all play roles. I’m recapping 2012 here mainly as a record to myself. …
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Harvesting Brussels Sprouts

By  •  Garden

I have not posted much from the garden lately simply because there is not much going on. After my harvest frenzy, I’ve been concentrating on the kitchen.

Some unseasonably warm …
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Green Tomato & Apple Mincemeat Pie
12 years ago

Green Tomato & Apple Mincemeat Pie

When I pulled in the harvest, it included 7+ lbs of green tomatoes.  Last Sunday I was motivated to use them and not have them go to waste.  So I was digging …
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Garlic Conserva
12 years ago

Garlic Conserva

In the midst of canning the abundance of produce in the pressure canner, and running out to find some Asafoetida I came across a big beautiful pile of garlic at one of …
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Preservation Madness

A week ago I asked myself, “What on earth are we going to do with all this stuff?”

I’d just pulled 55 lbs of  produce in a mad dash to …
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Indian Chilli Pickle
12 years ago

Indian Chilli Pickle

Actually, for me to be in a pickle is a good thing!

If you have been following along you know I like pickles, pickled cucumber, chillies, tomatoes, giardiniera. All these …
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Freeze Warning and Frenzied Chilli Harvest

It’s been a busy few days. Late last week we had a freeze (not just frost) warning which in early October is a little early. I wasn’t expecting a freeze …
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White fish with Warm Tomato Vinaigrette
12 years ago

White fish with Warm Tomato Vinaigrette

Remember those pickled cherry tomatoes from what seems way back when?  I said I planned on using them in a warm tomato vinaigrette so here we are.

Today we have a …
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Home Grown Vegetable Pot Pie
12 years ago

Home Grown Vegetable Pot Pie

Inspired by this beautiful basket of late season produce, I decided to make a pot pie. Who doesn’t love breaking through a crisp buttery crust to reveal a steaming treasure …
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