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Hot Chilli Harvest

So this is what 3 lbs of chillies look like!

I’ve got some preserving to do!

Until next time, Eat Well & Keep Digging (and keep some milk on hand!)

Late Summer Garden

By  •  Garden

It’s been too long since I’ve posted, and for that I apologize. Sometimes life gets in the way  of the all important blog posting. Perspective is important I think.  Anyway, …
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Pickled Cherry Peppers – My favorite pickle!
12 years ago

Pickled Cherry Peppers – My favorite pickle!

I mentioned back in Brandied Fig post that the reason I was at the market was to find cherry peppers. I didn’t grow any this year and it just would …
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Brandied Figs
12 years ago

Brandied Figs

I’ve been busy putting up canned produce for the winter and I’ve already exceeded the amount put up last year with quite a bit more to go. And while I get excited about putting …
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Fatalii Sambal Oelek
12 years ago

Fatalii Sambal Oelek

Last year I made Sambal Oelek from ripe Jalapeno peppers, and earlier this summer I made another batch from some red peppers and a few of the beautiful Fatalii chillies …
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Harvest Monday – 8/13/2012

Quick post today as I am running late. Only two pickings last week. It was pretty good interms of variety and quantity. The Romas probably have another 10-20lbs left but …
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Harvest Monday – 8/6/2012

By  •  Garden

Here we go again! The tomatoes are coming in pretty quickly now, and in general I’m able to keep up. So far. I am surprised by the eggplant – the …
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“Ratatouille” Napoleon
12 years ago

“Ratatouille” Napoleon

I spent yesterday canning pasta sauces, sambal oelek, and tomato eggplant relish. We had a big storm blow through but now that there are no trees to fall on the …
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Harvest Monday July 30th

I missed last weeks posting, it was a pretty good week. But here is what we picked since then.

Above is almost 10 lbs of tomatoes – ah the joys …
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