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pulled pork

Carolina Style Pulled Pork ‘n slaw
13 years ago

Carolina Style Pulled Pork ‘n slaw

What’s going to make it Carolina style you ask? For one thing it’s the sauce, BBQ sauces are highly regional, and even in North Carolina there are different favorites. I …
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Epic Smoke AKA Meatless Monday takes a holiday
13 years ago

Epic Smoke AKA Meatless Monday takes a holiday

Few things say 4th of July  in the U.S. like a cookout, and today will be an epic one. I’m smoking two pork butts, and two racks of pork ribs. The …
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Shiny New Toy trial run

By  •  Smoker

For those of you following along, I built and used a cold smoker last fall and winter.  Since then I’ve been looking into a hot smoker.

Leading up up to …
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