Setting up at the veggie plot.
Last year was all about the veggie plot, and we still have the location to share with the homeowner. So far all my attention has been to the Square foot garden and the Growbox, but that changed today. The homeowner had the garden turned and screened to get some of the rocks out. It is much smoother than last year.
We do need to put straw down in between the rows and tidy up a little but all in all it is in good shape.
I put in three tomatoes (Celebrity, Roma, and Black Prince) to compare against the SFG and the growboxes.
Since both the homeowner and I are growing our own plots, (they want theirs nearer to the house), we’ve decided this plot can be used for sprawling vining plants – zucchini, watermelon etc.
To help keep the vines off the ground and to provide easier maintenance, I used some of the concrete wire from last year and made little lean-tos.
Here is detail of how I attached the mesh to the stakes – just drill a hole in the top of the stake, and use a zip tie to secure it. The bottom floats against the bed.
I’ll slide over there again today and get a few plants in.
Until next time, Keep Digging & Eat Well!
May 23, 2011
>I'm envious of all that space! And I like the climbing frames for the squashes etc. Did you have to buy the wire or did you get it for free?
May 23, 2011
>Hi Mark, welcome back! It's about 315 square feet. The Concrete wire we had from last year. I don't know how it will perform it's duty – we'll have to wait and see!