Planning Your Garden – Part II – Choosing a style
Great! You have picked out your location, now let’s consider of what type of garden to put in.
There are many styles of vegetable gardens. In the “old days” row gardens were common and you still see them today, particularly where there is plenty of space to put under cultivation. Also popular are raised beds. A particular type of raised bed, Square Foot Gardens™ made popular by Mel Bartholomew in his series of books and television programs dating back to the 1970’s are enjoying a bit of a renaissance today. While I am not a complete convert to this style of Mel’s, he certainly has many useful ideas that I have adopted. They just make sense, and I like things that make sense.
Also highly effective are container gardens. They are appropriate for people with limited space to garden. A particular type of container is a “self-watering” container or a sub irrigated planter “SIP.”
Let’s talk about these styles in more detail. Before we get started, I want to point out that this is not an exhaustive list and each of these methods do work, given proper care and consideration. What is important for you is to choose what method will be right for you!
Row gardens, or why I choose not to
Row gardens are decidedly old school. In the past, you would map out a garden, till up or turn the whole area, use string to mark out the rows and plant your rows of tomatoes, corn, beans, radishes etc. Most of the produce consumed in this country is grown using this method. It does work, and is possibly best for growing on a large scale. There are however, some issues with it.
You need a lot of space. Way more space than I have in my limited suburban yard.
While you can do it all by hand, a tiller or a tractor makes things much easier. I do not have either.
When you water, it’s hard to not water the paths between the rows as well. That is a waste. It also goes for any fertilizer you might broadcast.
If you have half an acre or more to put under cultivation, a tiller/tractor (or a young, strong back), don’t mind wasting water or fertilizer, want to spend more time than needed gardening and want to put in a row garden go ahead. It’s not for me.
Raised beds
A raised bed garden has the planting area raised above the walking area. If made narrow enough, the beds need not ever be stepped into. This helps keep the soil loose and friable. They are easier to water and fertilize directly, and because soil is never compacted, it is easy to pull weeds. They are also great for small yards as they can be made almost any shape though square and rectangular are most common.
I firmly believe raised beds are the best method for a personal vegetable garden, and there are several ways to make them.
You can start out as if you are going to make a row garden, then using a shovel, dig out the paths tossing the soil up onto where you want the beds. Be sure to make the beds no more than four (4) feet wide. This way you can reach the center of the beds from either side. The difference in depth between the bottom of the path and the top of the bed can be significant – 18” or more.
This is the type of garden I made my first year, and it worked pretty well. The beds did have a crown to them, that is, they were curved from the sides to the top so there was some portion that could not be seeded. Some erosion was evident after heavy rains when the beds would crumble into the paths. Not a big deal but avoidable.
Boxed Raised beds
A raised bed in a box is useful for a few reasons, you can use the whole bed, there are no “sides” that are hard to plant, it can be installed over a lawn with no tilling or sod removal; it’s easy to reach into, and you don’t use ground soil so weeds are reduced. They are easy to plant and weed. If made the right size, there is no chance for walking in the growing beds so soil compaction is never a problem.
A disadvantage is once they are in place they can be difficult to move. Of course an in-ground garden can just be raked and planted in grass seed should you decide to give up on your vegetables. The boxes however would need to be disassembled should you desire to stop gardening. But who would do that?
Raised boxed beds are my garden style of choice. Along with…
Squarefoot™ gardens
Mel Bartholomew’s Squarefoot garden uses a particular kind of raised bed. As I mentioned before, he has written multiple books and had a TV program on PBS for years. His system works, no doubt about it. But he has very particular aspects and dimensions that I feel are a bit inhibiting and can be improved on. For example – his beds only have six inches of soil, are made up of a very specific mix “Mel’s Mix”™ and according to him “must have a grid or they are not a Squarefoot garden.” Very well. It does work, I followed his directions to the letter in the 2011 growing season and did pretty well. However, I believe I can make small adjustments and improve upon his system for my situation.
The changes I’ve made include:
- make the beds deeper than 6” – I’ve gone with 8” for most and 16” for the deep potato bed
- don’t worry about five kinds of manure/ compost – do the best you can and have more than one
- having a single crop per square is fine but let’s have 3-4 contiguous squares of the same veggie
- I don’t bother with flowers in my raised beds, I’m growing veggies here…
- While he makes a big deal out of having the grid, I’ll only mark off different growing areas
Container Gardens
Container gardens are an excellent choice for those people who wish to grow some vegetables but may lack the room for a full size garden. Folks in townhouses or apartments with balconies can manage to grow some produce given the right conditions. The same considerations for a general garden apply here as well. You need good light, good soil and good drainage. I’m pretty sure someone who has a balcony on the north side of an apartment building would have a very difficult time growing sun loving peppers and tomatoes though lettuce may grow.
Additional reasons for using containers include ease of maintenance; mobility (put them on wheels!) and availability. There are many sizes of containers – from 12” pots to buckets to barrels. Often it is possible to repurpose materials to use as growing vessels. It’s fun to see what other gardeners come up with, an old wheelbarrow as a spinach bed is whimsical and useful at the same time!
There are at least two things to keep in mind:
- Containers tend to dry out faster, so you have to water more frequently, perhaps daily in hot weather.
- Generally, containers are smaller than a raised bed or the available space is smaller, so your choices of larger plants may be limited.
By the way, containers are also a good way to expand your garden even if you are using boxed raised beds. In the summer of 2011 I visited a most extraordinary garden, and he had expanded out into his driveway using containers to grow figs and eggplants.
I used a few containers this summer and found them to be successful for tomatoes and peppers, but not so much for zucchini and cucumbers. I’ll learn from that and plant only the successful crops next year, opening up the boxed raised bed for other crops.
There is a specific container known as SIPS (Sub-irrigated planters). Included in this group are Earthboxes™ and Growboxes™. You can also make you own by nesting buckets or bigger containers, typically made of plastic. These containers also work, but don’t be fooled, they also require close monitoring. From experience, tomato plants can suck a full reservoir dry during the course of a single hot day.
I hope I’ve given you something to think about and made the issue of garden style a little clearer. Based on your situation, what style(s) will you choose?
Stay tuned for the next installment of Planning Your Garden where we will discuss soil, the key to a healthy garden.
Until next time, Keep Digging and Eat Well!
January 2, 2012
A very clear guide for the beginner, David. You have the knack of explaining things in an understandable way.
January 2, 2012
Thanks Mark! I’m trying to put togther a beginner guide that I wish I had when I was just getting started.
January 2, 2012
Or….row gardens, using wide row, intensive planting. That’s what I’ll be doing in half my garden this year. We have hot weather and sandy soil, which gets too hot and dry for raised beds. By planning my rows to be anywhere from 2-3 feet wide (I swear my arms got shorter in the last few years!), I’ll be able to fit in about the same amount of plants as I did in my raised beds.
The main drawback to wood enclosed raised beds in my area, is the heat. I find the plants close to the wood tend to burn. I do have some, as they sit over the roots of an old maple tree. It’s the only method suitable for gardening in that part of my yard.
January 3, 2012
Good input Granny! Interesting observation about the edge plants burning. Do you think the wood gets that much hotter than the surrounding soil? I remember you had painted the wood brown, so perhaps they are more heat absorbant than the surrounding soil. I’ll be watching your intensive planting with interest this coming growing season.
January 13, 2012
Definitely, the brown painted wood added to the heat, causing the edge plants to suffer. If I have to redo the boxes, I will leave the wood to age naturally. I could paint the remaining boxes a lighter color I suppose. I was matching them to the trim on the house, but I’m thinking of doing that in a lighter color too.
January 2, 2012
a little bit of all… with my bad soil i have a strange set of variables to work with. some areas need raised, some are the old school beds, and i have a lot of container and box gardens. i’m excited about trying hugelkultur as well. is it spring yet?
January 3, 2012
I’m excited for this growing season to start as well OFG! With all your critters you do have excellent fertilizer/compost makers. How long have you been working your land?
Hugelkultur! I’ve only seen it in videos or read about it, Have you had the opportunity to see it in action?
January 2, 2012
What a useful guide, David! You’ve got some helpful info here for whatever type of garden one might have. I’m pretty much restricted to container gardening now and that’s all right. So long as I can go out into my yard on a warm August morning and pluck a tomato for breakfast, I’m happy.
January 3, 2012
I agree ChgoJohn about the joys of an in-season home grown tomato! Containers are the only option for many gardeners, and you can successfully grown you own in containers. Do you use traditional or do you go with a “self-watering” system?
January 5, 2012
I have regular old planters, David, most of which are on casters. I’ll use them to plant some San Marzanos, cherry, and brandywine tomatoes. I don’t get an abundant crop but i get enough for my needs. Late in August, I’ll buy large amounts of plum tomatoes destined for the freezer for use this time of year.
January 4, 2012
David, this is truly a very informative and thought out post. I’d love to have a garden to pick freshly grown veggies. The best I can do is herbs! And I could really plant year round where I live! I remember my father’s garden so well and the bounty of veggies he would bring in to my mother every evening. I’m looking forward to following along with yours!
January 4, 2012
Thank you Linda. When you say the best you can do is herbs what do you mean? I hope I can encourage you to take some small steps!
January 7, 2012
I plant my tomatoes in a row but my peppers and herbs are planted in boxed raised beds. Both seem to work well for what I am growing in them.
January 8, 2012
Mixed styles seems to work for many gardeners Karen. I think that’s one of the reasons I like it, the flexibility.
January 9, 2012
Hey David,
In a raised garden to the roots of the vegetable planted extend down into the top soil or do they only use the dirt that is in the raised container box?
January 9, 2012
Todd, Both ways can be used. I’ve seen where the soil is loosened beneath the box, as well as boxes with bottoms. It depends on the quality of the native soil, and the inclination of the gardener.
January 9, 2012
On a different subject … if you like Neal’s Yard Cheeses, you should get together with Green Dragonette (see her comment on my “You know I like cheese” post…)