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News & Updates

Promises, Promises

On the cusp of veggie overload. What a wonderful “problem” to have!


Why do we do what we do.

June 1 Garden Status

Video garden status report for June 1

Blog Roundup

Well folks, I’m sorry to say I’ve been a bit under the weather the last 10 days or so. I’m not really doing well enough to post a delicious recipe. …
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Seeing beyond the Snow – Plans for 2013 Garden

For now the garden is under snow. Difficult to believe that a year ago at this time I was posting about crocuses. Clearly this year we’re going to have to …
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Where there’s Smoke there’s Flavor!
12 years ago

Where there’s Smoke there’s Flavor!

Whew! I hope you all had a great Christmas holiday and are resting up for  the New Year!

There was a bustle of activity around here. I was busy brining, …
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How I improved my Food Photography and you can too!

I’ve been blogging about food since June of 2010. While working hard on recipes and presenting them, I felt the content was good but it missed the visual punch of …
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Celebration! Of Family, Seafood & Antipasti

As I said last time, this past weekend I was lucky enough to get together with  two brothers and a sister for an afternoon and evening of visiting and as …
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Hot Chilli Harvest

So this is what 3 lbs of chillies look like!

I’ve got some preserving to do!

Until next time, Eat Well & Keep Digging (and keep some milk on hand!)
