Well folks, I’m sorry to say I’ve been a bit under the weather the last 10 days or so. I’m not really doing well enough to post a delicious recipe. I am researching some new topics and ideas that I hope will be of value in the future but for now, I’m going through tissue faster than green grass through a goose.  

So instead of a long post I’ll leave you with these garden ideas & tips:

Small Vegetable Garden Space Savers  (Harvest to Table) Twitter: @harvesttotable

A clever idea for planting potatoes in containers (The Rusted Vegetable Garden) Twitter: @TheRustedGarden

And since it is that time of year, I’ll dust off a great guest post Starting Seed Indoors from Mark Willis over at Mark’s Veg Plot Twitter: @Marksvegplot.

Hopefully I’ll be back in shape in next week, ready to make my triumphant return! 



Until next time, Keep Digging & Eat Well!