Canned Tomato Sauce – Summer in a Jar!
I have a good pile of tomatoes that I’m never going to be able to eat while fresh so I decided to can some up for the cold winter nights. I can already taste some delicious pasta made from the summer’s harvest.
I started with a big bag (2 gallon) of tomatoes quartered.
Put them in a big pot with some garlic, dried oregano and basil, and a little bit of olive oil. The exact recipe in in the Balls Blue book – guide to canning and preserving.
Cook them down until quite soft.- about 20-30 minutes.
I have a new gadget, a food mill. This will make it easy to remove the skins and seeds. It’s wet because I just washed it prior to using it the first time.
Run the cooked tomatoes through the mill.
Until next time, Eat well and keep digging!