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winter fav

Escarole and Beets with Goat Cheese Dressing
10 years ago

Escarole and Beets with Goat Cheese Dressing

This salad takes advantage of winter storage vegetables and escarole – a cold tolerant green. The slightly bitter greens contrast with the sweet earthy roasted vegetables, and both are enlivened …
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Root Vegetable Confit and Escarole Salad
10 years ago

Root Vegetable Confit and Escarole Salad

This is the time for winter storage vegetables to shine – and what better way than showcase them than to prepare them simply and deliciously.

Normally when one thinks …
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Jeera Pumpkin
10 years ago

Jeera Pumpkin

Not just for pies and soup, pumpkin is an excellent addition to savory dishes.

Winter Vegetable Bisque
10 years ago

Winter Vegetable Bisque

An elegant creamy soup. made from the most common staples of the winter cold cellar.

Glazed 48 hour Sous Vide Short Ribs
10 years ago

Glazed 48 hour Sous Vide Short Ribs

Sous Vide Short Ribs, glazed with Char Sui inspired BBQ sauce – ultra tender beef just in time for the Fourth of July!

Kale Salad with Butter Beans
10 years ago

Kale Salad with Butter Beans

Normally tough Kale becomes tender after a few minutes of massage. Perfect for raw salads.

French Green Lentil Salad
11 years ago

French Green Lentil Salad

Because French green lentils stay firm when cooked, they are ideal for a warm salad.

Leek “Jam”
11 years ago

Leek “Jam”

Leeks, cooked low and slow become a savory spread with many delicious uses.

Spicy Braised Beef Shank Sauce and Polenta Cake
12 years ago

Spicy Braised Beef Shank Sauce and Polenta Cake

We are experiencing a several day thaw though we’re solidly in the middle of snow covered winter.  The overcast skies and cold days, still-long nights makes me want to cocoon …
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