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spring fav

Strawberry Rhubarb and Goat Cheese Hand Pie
9 years ago

Strawberry Rhubarb and Goat Cheese Hand Pie

They say things that grow together go together, and in the case of tart rhubarb and sweet strawberries this is certainly the case!

My ex Mother-in-law used to make …
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Asparagus and Blue Cheese salad
10 years ago

Asparagus and Blue Cheese salad

Sometimes simple is best.

Fresh asparagus, tangy blue cheese, ripe tomatoes, your best olive oil and some sea salt combine for one of the simplest recipes yet.

This …
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Shaved Salad with Quick Pickled Beets
10 years ago

Shaved Salad with Quick Pickled Beets

This colorful, crunchy, and unique salad contains no lettuce, and is primarily made of root vegetables. A mandolin is use to slice the beets and radishes very thin, and a …
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Lemon Ricotta Rollups with Morel Cream Sauce
10 years ago

Lemon Ricotta Rollups with Morel Cream Sauce

Nothing says “Spring” like Asparagus or Morels. Celebrate the season by combining them!

Ramp and Fiddlehead Tart
11 years ago

Ramp and Fiddlehead Tart

The old adage, “If it grows together it goes together” was never more true in this early spring combination of Ramps and Fiddlehead ferns.

Vegetable Torte
12 years ago

Vegetable Torte

An elegant yet simple dish, this torte is a vegetarian delight.

Cheesy Quinoa Cakes
12 years ago

Cheesy Quinoa Cakes

Funny how the weather is. Last year at this time it was in the low 80’s. This week, in the 20’s and 30’s. The garden is still drab and frozen, …
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