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Veggie Saute and Pasta
13 years ago

Veggie Saute and Pasta

This time of year there is no excuse not to go meatless at least once a week. The produce is popping and whether at the farmers market or in your …
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Pasta with Morel Cream Sauce and Peas

Yesterday we went Morel hunting in the woods. Today we’ll cook some up! This is a loose recipe, and very simple. A quick saute of mushrooms, a simple roux, heavy …
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Spaghetti Cacio e Pepe

What could be more simple than pasta with cheese and black pepper aka Spaghetti Cacio e Pepe? Not much.  The simple combination of pasta, fresh grated Pecorino Romano,  ground black pepper, …
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Roasted Acorn Squash with Tagliatelle

I’ve got an acorn squash that we harvested back in September whose time has come.  I like roasted butternut squash and I like pasta.  I figure I’ll combine the two.

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Spaghetti Bolognese
14 years ago

Spaghetti Bolognese

A cold winter morning yesterday, I was in the mood for some long simmering goodness on the stove. Checking my supplies and I decided on my take of a Bolognese …
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Garlic Anchovy Pasta

Some of you may have strong negative reactions to anchovies. If so, skip this post.

Otherwise read on!

While at the Korean Market they had a big tasting table set up …
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Seafood Diablo
14 years ago

Seafood Diablo

It’s been while since I’ve made my  Seafood Diablo, and since I had a bit of fresh tomato sauce from Saturday that didn’t make it into a jar I decided …
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