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Small Batch Pickles

When I think of pickling I think of a big production where there are pounds of the desired ingredient to be pickled. Several hours and multiple quarts later you are …
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Caramelized Onion Tart with tomatoes
13 years ago

Caramelized Onion Tart with tomatoes

Sometimes I romanticize food, the smells, the textures, the memories or feelings it evokes. Savory tarts are one of those foods. They are easy to make, yet so different from normal fare …
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The Beet goes on – Beet, Orange, and Red Onion Salad
13 years ago

The Beet goes on – Beet, Orange, and Red Onion Salad

I’ve grown more fond of beets as time goes on. From the oven roasted tiny jewels from last summer, to the Beet Ginger relish, I love the earthy flavor and beautiful …
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Polenta and Red Sauce with Mushrooms and Onions

Another Meatless Monday, and what’s on hand?  Cornmeal, tomato sauce I canned in August, mushrooms, onions and decent Parmesan cheese. Not great cheese just decent. But these humble ingredients combione …
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Prosciutto & Balsamic Carmelized Onion Pizza

I’ve got one more duck breast prosciutto, and it being Friday night, it is time for pizza. A bit of a rough commute, train issues both morning and night. Thirty …
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Quick Tip – Peeling Pearl Onions

By  •  Kitchen

>Ever try to peel pearl onions? They can be difficult unless you know an easy trick.I have a few that I grew.

Peeling with just a sharp knife will work …
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