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Garden Thai-style Curry
13 years ago

Garden Thai-style Curry

The harvest in the garden is starting to come in, I was late getting home, so what to do? Just did a stir-fry, OK I’ll make a curry.

It is completely …
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Indian Inspired Potato Cauliflower Stew

It’s been a week sinced I posted here. My apologies.  I’ve been on holiday, busy in the garden, or haven’t been inclined. In fact,  I nearly didn’t post tonight. But …
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Cauliflower Chickpea Curry

This is a quick dish, and very versatile – you may use almost any vegetable you choose. This dish will use the basic curry sauce. To really speed things up, …
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Basic Curry Sauce
13 years ago

Basic Curry Sauce

It is very helpful to have on hand a basic curry sauce. With it you can put together a very quick dinner, often in the time it takes to cook …
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Thai Pumpkin Curry

Pumpkin is a highly versatile and today I made a Vegetarian Pumpkin Curry. This recipe is adapted from’s Darlene Schmidt recipe. A rich dish, citrus tang and mild glow …
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Bitter melon experiment

Yesterday the homeowner at the veggie plot gave me some bitter melon.  She gave me some hints on how to cook it, so I decide to try it for lunch today.

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Curried Okra With Onions

Last weekend I was given a bunch – actually about a pound of  Okra.











I’m not very familiar with this …
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