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Tajine inspired Chicken Stew
13 years ago

Tajine inspired Chicken Stew

The crocuses have poked up but are not yet blooming, and the daffodils and tulips are start to thrust skyward.  I’m  chomping at the bit  to get out in the …
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Spatchcocked Chicken with Korean-style Marinade and Cabbage-Ramen Slaw
13 years ago

Spatchcocked Chicken with Korean-style Marinade and Cabbage-Ramen Slaw

I ran out today to pick up a variety of meat as I plan on relaxing tomorrow, doing no yardwork, sitting in the shade and running the smoker.  As usual …
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Baked Chicken Wings
14 years ago

Baked Chicken Wings

My dear friend turned 50 today, hard to believe we’ve been friends since 1976! The invite to the party said bring an appetizer and a bottle of wine.

Wings always …
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Canning Chicken Stock

I’ve been looking forward to using my pressure canner for the first time. I had some frozen chicken carcasses so I simmered them for a few hours with bay leaf …
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