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Spatchcocked Chicken with Korean-style Marinade and Cabbage-Ramen Slaw
13 years ago

Spatchcocked Chicken with Korean-style Marinade and Cabbage-Ramen Slaw

I ran out today to pick up a variety of meat as I plan on relaxing tomorrow, doing no yardwork, sitting in the shade and running the smoker.  As usual …
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Quick Kimchi
14 years ago

Quick Kimchi

In preparation of Korean style BBQ beef short ribs, I’m making this recipe for Quick Kimchi. I don’t have a lot of time so we’ll try this quickie method.

This …
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Braised Napa Cabbage with Fennel and Apples
14 years ago

Braised Napa Cabbage with Fennel and Apples

Cabbage is such a homely vegetable. Years of mistreatment can lead to indelible scars and get folks to not like it. Then again, it  can be so poorly done, yet is versatile and keeps …
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