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Braised Brussels Sprouts with Apple and Canadian Bacon
12 years ago

Braised Brussels Sprouts with Apple and Canadian Bacon

There is frost on the garden and the Brussels Sprouts love it.

The word is they sweeten up after being kissed by the cold. All I know is they …
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Oven Roasted Pork Belly and Apples with Braised Greens
13 years ago

Oven Roasted Pork Belly and Apples with Braised Greens

I purchased a nice slab of pork belly today to make bacon. However one side was very thick, and in order to cure evenly I trimmed it up a bit. …
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Bulgar-Ricotta Pancakes
14 years ago

Bulgar-Ricotta Pancakes

Another Meatless Monday. This time I’ll do a whole grain pancake as shown by the NYT’s Mark Bittman I always have bulgar on hand, and instead of the honey or …
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Dehydrating Apples

We’re still putting up apples, aand thought it was time to try out the dehydrator.

Here’s the setup. Dilute lemon juice, apples, peeler.

The peeler certainly makes short work of the …
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Canned Apple Pie Filling

We got all those apples last week. We’ve done apple butter, now we’ll do Apple Pie Filling.

This recipe is from

Ingredients: 4 1/2 cups white sugar 1 cup …
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Apple Butter – a taste of autumn preserved!
14 years ago

Apple Butter – a taste of autumn preserved!

Yesterday the DW and I went out to an apple orchard to walk around, get some apples, and some apple cider donuts. The doughnuts were sublime, light, fluffy and warm, …
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