A super easy, and ancient dish, labneh is just drained plain yogurt with a little salt. I’ve seen these stored in jars of olive oil. Scooped out and spread on toasted pita, these are so simple yet so good.


Stir 2 tsp salt into the yogurt, then pour into the cheese clothe lined strainer. Put strainer over a deep bowl.
You don’t want the bottom of the strainer to touch the drained whey.
Tie together the cheese cloth. Set aside and let drain for 12 hours.
It is surprising how much moisture comes off.
Here it is after 12 hours.
I rewrapped it and pressed out about another 1/4 cup of whey.
Finally rolled into little balls, topped with olive oil and garnished with flat leaf parsley. Amazing that was a quart of yogurt
Served with warm pita or on crackers, or as a side to falafel, or as part of a meze, these tangy small bites are sure to be a hit!
Until next time, Eat Well & Keep Digging!
February 21, 2011
I would put a little ground cumin, or something similar, in mine.
What happens to the whey? Do you have any animals to feed it to?
February 21, 2011
Great idea Mark. No animals but it will compost.