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French Green Lentil Salad
11 years ago

French Green Lentil Salad

Because French green lentils stay firm when cooked, they are ideal for a warm salad.

Super Creamy Hummus
11 years ago

Super Creamy Hummus

Baking soda softens chickpeas – allowing you to peel them and make a super creamy hummus.

Leek “Jam”
11 years ago

Leek “Jam”

Leeks, cooked low and slow become a savory spread with many delicious uses.

Buckwheat, Kale and Roasted Root Vegetable Toss
11 years ago

Buckwheat, Kale and Roasted Root Vegetable Toss

After three months of no kitchen and way too much take out food, I was finally able to make what my body has been craving. Warm Buckwheat and kale tossed with oven roasted root vegetables.

Can you can? Sure you can!
11 years ago

Can you can? Sure you can!

Need some resources to get started canning? Check this out….

Turkish Eggplant Salad
11 years ago

Turkish Eggplant Salad

When the garden is in full swing, this simple salad takes advantage of the season. Smokey fire roasted eggplant and bright fresh vegetables combine in my take of a Turkish classic.

Ramp and Fiddlehead Tart
12 years ago

Ramp and Fiddlehead Tart

The old adage, “If it grows together it goes together” was never more true in this early spring combination of Ramps and Fiddlehead ferns.

Feeling crafty
12 years ago

Feeling crafty

By  •  DIY

Take another look at that old fence you’re replacing. If it’s weathered, some simple cuts and some nails can repurpose it into rustic planter, or country style shelves.

Vegetable Torte
12 years ago

Vegetable Torte

An elegant yet simple dish, this torte is a vegetarian delight.
