This video is making the rounds but if you haven’t seen it, it is worth while. I love the concept that we are the soil of the community. How we go, so goes the community.
A great idea, simple really. In an age where opening a grocery in a disadvantage area makes headlines, getting people in those areas to grow their own food is a viable solution. Continued good luck to him.
April 28, 2013
David Offutt
I loved the line, “Growing your own food is like printing money!”
April 26, 2013
i love this idea. have you seen the thug kitchen blog?
April 28, 2013
Amusing! and good food but… I got to say… after a bit the profanity bit wears thin.
April 27, 2013
A great idea, simple really. In an age where opening a grocery in a disadvantage area makes headlines, getting people in those areas to grow their own food is a viable solution. Continued good luck to him.
April 28, 2013
I loved the line, “Growing your own food is like printing money!”